Why Give IN® to Your Dog
IN® Fortifies the Pet's Immune System
IN® pet supplement has a natural antioxidant formula that fortifies the immune system. The immune system needs to be constantly replenished with these antioxidants. IN® contains a carefully balanced mixture of vitamins, minerals and lecithin, which when taken with the dog’s normal diet, produces the balanced nutrition that the immune system needs.
IN® Relieves Pets Itching and Scratching
First, IN® helps fortify the immune system (see above). Second, the potassium and sodium in the supplement maintains the body’s fluid balance and prevents dry skin, hot spots and hair loss. Third, vitamin A and vitamin E are antioxidants that help the body fight allergy spores.
IN® Prevents and Resolves Eczema, Hot Spots and Dermatitis
IN® provides the essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for a balanced diet. Including vitamin A, E, and choline provided by the lecithin. Iodine is important for the production of the thyroid hormones. Soy lecithin has a strong lipotropic effect that is one of the prime factors in the maintenance of a proper balance of fat.
IN® Contains Essential Fatty Acids
IN® is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are contained in the cod liver oil (EPA and DHA). (Cod liver oil has an impressive n3:n6 ratio of 9.0), the ALA from the soybean, and the vitamin rich polyunsaturated fat rich Lecithin.
Dog Allergies TreatmentDiet, Living Conditions and Parasites
The evolution of dogs from their natural state, through the outdoor working animal, to the present indoor living, human companion, has resulted in three significant changes to its diet, living conditions and the elimination of many parasites.
The diet of dogs has changed enormously from their natural state when dogs were omnivores whose diet was a balance of plants, fruits, grains and the occasional flesh. Today the diet of dogs consist mainly of meat and grains (corn, wheat, rice.) A diet consisting mainly of these can lead to a sub clinical inflamed state, that is a condition which promotes such inflammatory conditions as joint disease, heart disease, inflammatory gut disease, eczema and some cancers and mental aging. Their diet is deficient in such key nutrients as vitamin E, A, B12. This is exacerbated when the feed is exposed to high heat (during the manufacturing process) when the essential vitamins, fatty acids and minerals that may have been added to the animal feed are destroyed.
The role of the dog today has also changed. Less often is the dog an outdoor, working animal, more often he is a companion who lives indoors, thus exposing them to many of the most common allergens like house dust mites, house dust, human dander, feathers, tobacco, and molds
Immunoglobin E antibodies (IgE) are believed to be the primary defense that a dog’s immune system produces to fight parasites, they are also responsible for producing allergic reactions as they cause the release of histamines which cause redness of skin, itching and symptoms of dermatitis. Evidence suggests that as dog owners become more efficient at eradicating parasites from their dogs, those dogs with a predisposition for producing high levels of IgE are more susceptible to allergies.
Atopy is an environmental allergy affecting the skin. It is like a canine version of hay fever. It is quite common, about 10 percent of dogs can become sensitive to substances in their environment and to pollen from grasses, trees and weeds. A dog sensitive to these allergens may develop an allergic reaction in the form of extreme itchiness (pruritis.) Some dogs with Atopy also have an allergic reaction to their food; this also manifests itself by excessive scratching and biting at their feet.
Why Give IN® to Your Cat?
IN® Fortifies the Cat's Immune System
IN® cat supplement has a natural antioxidant formula that fortifies the immune system. The immune system needs to be constantly replenished with these antioxidants. IN® contains a carefully balanced mixture of vitamins, minerals and lecithin, which when taken with the cat’s normal diet, produces the balanced nutrition that the immune system needs.
IN® Relieves Cat's Itching and Scratching
First, IN® helps fortify the immune system. Second, the potassium and sodium in the supplement maintains the body’s fluid balance and prevents dry skin and hair loss. Third, vitamin A and vitamin E are antioxidants that help the body fight allergy spores.
IN® Prevents and Resolves Eczema and Dermatitis in Cats
IN provide the essential vitamins and minerals that are needed for a balanced diet, including vitamin A, E, and choline provided by the lecithin. Iodine is important for the production of the thyroid hormones. Soy lecithin has a strong lipotropic effect that is one of the prime factors in the maintenance of a proper balance of fat.
IN® Cat Supplements Contains Essential Fatty Acids
IN® is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are contained in the cod liver oil (EPA and DHA). (Cod liver oil has an impressive n3:n6 ratio of 9.0), the ALA from the soybean, and the vitamin rich polyunsaturated fat rich Lecithin.
IN® Cat Supplements and Food Allergies
Some cats are allergic to meat. This is why the makers of the IN® supplement have produced a meat-free version of their famous supplement. Veggie IN® contains all the beneficial vitamins, minerals and the important lecithin but have removed all meat protein so even the meat sensitive cat can enjoy balanced nutrition.
Why Cats Need Diet Supplements
The evolution of cats from their natural state, through the outdoor working animal, to the present indoor living, human companion, has resulted in three significant changes to its diet, living conditions and the elimination of many parasites.
The diet of cats has changed enormously from their natural state when cats were omnivores whose diet was a balance of plants, fruits, grains and the occasional flesh. Today the diet of cats consist mainly of meat and grains (corn, wheat, rice.) A diet consisting mainly of these can lead to a sub clinical inflamed state, that is a condition which promotes such inflammatory conditions as joint disease, heart disease, inflammatory gut disease, eczema and some cancers and mental aging. Their diet is deficient in such key nutrients as vitamin E, A, B12. This is exacerbated when the feed is exposed to high heat (during the manufacturing process) when the essential vitamins, fatty acids and minerals that may have been added to the animal feed are destroyed.
The role of the cat today has also changed. Less often is the cat an outdooranimal, more often he is a companion who lives indoors, thus exposing them to many of the most common allergens like house dust mites, house dust, human dander, feathers, tobacco, and molds.
Immunoglobin E antibodies (IgE) are believed to be the primary defense that a cat’s immune system produces to fight parasites, they are also responsible for producing allergic reactions as they cause the release of histamines which cause redness of skin, itching and symptoms of dermatitis. Evidence suggest that as catowners become more efficient at eradicating parasites from their cats, those cats with a predisposition for producing high levels of IgE are more susceptible to allergies.
Atopy is an environmental allergy affecting the skin. It is like a version of hay fever. It is quite common, about 10 percent of cats can become sensitive to substances in their environment and to pollen from grasses, trees and weeds. A cat sensitive to these allergens may develop an allergic reaction in the form of extreme itchiness (pruritis.) Some cats with Atopy also have an allergic reaction to their food; this also manifests itself by excessive scratching and biting at their feet.